Local/Regional Volunteer and Internship Positions

1. Select a position from these internship positions or volunteer positions below.

blog coordinator
Business Advocate
Child Recruiter
Database Manager
Data Entry Heart Gallery
Development Funding
Events Fundraising
Faith Based Coordinator
Faith Host
Google Nonprofit
Heart Gallery Local Coordinator
Kids Matching Event
Life skills coordinator
Manage Google Adwords Grant
Mentor Coordinator
Monthly Venue Volunteer
Online Event Coordinator
Online Matching
Photo Videographer Coordinator
Plan New Annual Fundraiser Event
Princess Event Planner
QR Code Campaign
Research Coordiantor
RSS Feed Coordinator
SEO Optimizer
Spanish Speaking Mentor
Special Activity Coordinator
Text SMS Coordinator
Training Materials Coordinator
Web Child Listing
Web Programing Badges
Website Media
Winter Wonderland Planner
social media specialist

webinar powerpoint creator

receptionist administration assistant

program outreach

marketing the adoption agency

family resource support coordinator

family scholarship program coordinator

adoption agency support coordinator

google for nonprofits and google plus coordinator

geno programs coordinator

family adoption specialist

family support coordinator

family finding department

facebook specialist

webinar producer

submision supervisor

adoption policy researcher
sibling specialty researcher
adoption agency newsletter writer
partner agency recruiter
website coordinator
newsletter volunteer
director assistant
sponsorship event coordinator
sponsorship marketing intern
sponsorship research intern
volunteer coordinator assistant
parent mentor

2. Fill out our application


Get all the latest volunteer announcements as they happen

3. Wait to hear back from us.

Once we receive your completed application you will receive a Welcome Letter and be contacted by our Staff to explore Volunteer Roles within our agency.  At that time we will let you know what job specific training is involved and what Additional Forms may be required. 

Local Jobs for Volunteers

Submission Team
We send nearly 700 home studies each month to various caseworkers for families who are waiting to be selected. To do this it takes many volunteer hours from people who can pay attention to detail and are able to email and attach files. This position takes someone who is able to come to our office and can range anywhere from 5 to 20 hours a week, depending on your availability. While this work takes a lot of time it is highly rewarding, especially when you get to see a family chosen for a child!

Office Assistant
Various duties may include filing, answering phone calls, sending and receiving faxes, data entry, making copies, scanning and uploading documents, reference checking, creating forms and other as needed.

Appreciation Coordinator
Do the important work, sends thank-you's to our sponsors/donors/supporters, birthday cards and gifts if possible to our kids, recognizes volunteer’s birthdays and work effort and so on.  These can be set up to trigger you when a thank-you is needed, this work can be done from our office or your home.

Volunteer Coordinator
Oversees the recruiting, interviewing, hiring, training, and scheduling of volunteer workers. Ensures that the activities of the volunteer workers meet the needs of the organization. Relies on experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. Performs a variety of tasks. Leads and directs the work of others. A wide degree of creativity and latitude is expected. Typically reports to a supervisor or manager.

Data Base Expert
We use Salesforce.com and need a volunteer who can specialize in utilizing this site and its partners and expand its capability for our agency. Someone who can research and implement its many options and add-on programs as well as train our staff to use them. They will work directly with our Data base supervisor.

Training Coordinator
Work with different Program Directors-Coordinate, help build curriculum, build webinars, Promote trainings, orientations, etc

Web Bio Writers
We are looking for volunteer Child web bio's. It can be a skill taking the history and needs of a child and putting them in a form that gives the family as much appropriate information as possible. We have noticed a good writer can do a lot for these kids. This volunteer doesn't need to be local and could be handled through email.

Professional Photographers Needed
Photo's are used for all forms of recruitment, web sites, flyers, Heart Gallery displays and more. They give a child a much better chance of finding a family and being seen in a positive light.

Our Heart Gallery promises to:

  1. Recognize photographer in the newsletter and on the website.
  2. Give photographer an update when the child(ren) they photographed is(are) adopted.
  3. Photographer will be given all information and support necessary to make this an enjoyable experience for everyone involved.
  4. Photographer will receive an electronic version of the AFFEC logo that can link to AFFEC website. Photographers will be able to display this on their website so that clients and potential clients can see that you have worked with our organization.

We would not be here if it wasn't for all of the support from photographers.

State Representative Roles
Outreach to case workers/agencies/Heart Galleries and potential partners in each state. This Volunteer can live anywhere in any state.  All work is done on the web/email. We all know of partners, businesses, organization and others that need to be on our team. We will supply you with sample letters and/or templates for emails/calls to engage partners. The following are possible roles:

  • Starting a new Heart Gallery
  • Recruiting photographers
  • Building Media connections
  • Bringing Case workers on board to photo list their kids
  • Gathering Support information for your state, county by county or city by city that we will then put on the web.
  • Linking our web site with partners
  • Reaching out to agencies to build relationships to help their families with our Matching Assistance Program
  • Recruiting Volunteers
  • Blogging about us
  • Gathering email addresses for our newsletter list, this is often the first way we engage people and educate them in who we are.
  • Grants/RFP's/Funding Opportunities
  • Assisting other efforts/Heart Galleries/agencies in the state that we can in any way
  • Any info for our web site from News Feed info about your state to child listing to support, new efforts and so on.

Any number of hours can be spent, we can either train you on our system to enter state information or you can keep a record on your own and we will do the data entry. We offer support daily as you move through this role and discover new ways we can partner. We encourage "outside the box" thinking and are open to all partnership ideas. We will provide you with letters, linking templates, sponsor flyers, brochures, whatever you need.

Child Listing Volunteer
We are currently working to partner with photo listing agencies, Heart Galleries and individual social workers from other states to list more children on our web sites. This is a free service we offer to help more children and families connect. We need volunteers who can help list these children in our database and on our sites. All training is provided. This volunteer can live anywhere in any state, all work is done on the web/email. If you can pay attention to detail, this is the job for you! Any number of hours a week would be great! 2-3 hours of skype/phone/webinar/How to training is available, in whatever way works best for you. We are only as good as the children we can help-

Targeted Email Outreach-searching for families for children in urgent need of placement-
After our training and support on using our systems and "How to's", this role consists of sending out a targeted email to families that fit the criteria of a given child in need of a placement. For example it could be a certain area, 2 parents, no other kids, and so on. The email will include positive information about the child, some of the barriers/issues as well as an image and contact info for next steps.

Often because of this simple email outreach (which can go out to 500 families at a time) we can find a placement in hours. We are committed to using technology in the most effective and urgent way to find forever families.This is an amazing role to be a part of and very gratifying. You can do as few or as many a week as you like.

Each email is approx. 1 hour to prepare and 2 hours to responds time with families (this is variable).
This is a very important role and the more you do it the better and faster you will get. Involves really understanding and using our data base. We get “urgent” requests from case workers for placement on children and see this as an opportunity for us to get families in front of case workers. We have a data base of over 15000 families.

Recruitment Family Liaison Coordinator & Inquiry Specialist

  • Act as a “Family Liaison” for Families in our database
  • Input  families inquiries into database
  • Send questionnaire to families in our database
  • Send out “Urgent Need for Families” emails to above families
  • Document all Recruitment Efforts for Process Binder Run prospective parent reports for kids that have been on our site the longest
  • Assist in generating statistics for families and children in our database
  • Work on new ways to match families and children.
  • Streamline our processes to better serve families
  • Create webinars and hold regularly to invite new families to learn about how we can help them
  • Run prospective parent reports for kids that have been on our site the longest
  • Adoption Inquiry Specialists –answers inquiries that come into our data base


Marketing/Media/Social Media/Graphic Design

Marketing & Public Relations Coordinator
Help build and/or follow our Media/Marketing Plan. The Marketing & Public Relations Coordinator will be responsible for creation of ads, psa’s, flyers, and other marketing materials for distribution and promotion of upcoming community events. This volunteer will be working closely with the Development Director and/or Executive Director to plan and relay event information to the media via social network, and communicate with existing donor and media database contacts. Other duties will include some administrative tasks, and assisting Development Director and Board members as needed. Great role for a local Internship.
      Responsibilities include -

  • Develop and produce messages that communicate the value of the agency, A Family for Every child: Heart Galleries
  • Attend Fund Development Committee meetings
  • Help with agenda and implementation of volunteer events
  • Attend department brainstorming sessions, create and distribute marketing materials
  • Represent, "A Family for Every Child: Heart Gallery" at service club meetings as public speaker  
  • and guest
  • Create monthly update info for staff and volunteers
  • Assist with keeping agency website updated on the media page
  • Help recruit and maintain communications with volunteer committees
  • Other as discussed and defined based upon interns goals and objectives
  • Traditional media outreach, contacts, data updates and tracking
  • Write Press releases

      Skills needed -

  • Creative and outgoing, energetic
  • Writing and composition
  • Work independently from the team
  • Organization and time management
  • Currently enrolled as Junior or Senior or volunteer
  • Knowledge of Twitter, Face book, and other social media applications

Graphic Design Coordinator
This position includes:

  • Flyer Creation (examples below)
    • In-Kind Donations Flyer
    • Annual Event Flyer
    • Princess Event Flyer
    • Orientation Flyer
  • Slideshow Creation
  • Video Editing
  • Photo Editing
  • Powerpoint Creation

Social Media Assistant
Someone who can can turn twitter into something much bigger for us, a blog, form and more! If you can use Twitter, Facebook, text messaging, online events and online fundraising to help benefit our overall exposure and help raise money for our cause, we have a job for you! Manage our Blog/Social Networking Sites (Ning, Facebook, My Space)

Communications Coordinators-Newsletters
Become a Constant Contacts Expert using Newletters and Alerts!

  • Create a Constant Contacts user’s manual (so the process can be duplicated in other parts of the state)
  • Manage AFFEC constant contacts email schedule and photo listing with in Constant contact
  • Use in all the capacities it can be used.  Press releases, surveys, email address gathering, interlinking with our social media etc.



Donations and Events Coordinator
These roles include:

  • Manage and solicit In-kind donation request process
  • Solicit “Monthly Gift Card” requests
  • Create Forms and flyers for Donation requests, thank you letters, etc
  • Data Entry Management for above items in Sales force
  • Work closely with Executive Director to begin process for Annual Event
  • Create Donation and Events Process Binders
  • In-kind Donations Coordinator
  • Community Out Reach Coordination

In-Kind Donations
We are looking for someone to head up our In-kind Donations. Duties would include applying for monthly donated gift cards from local businesses, soliciting food donations for meetings, trainings and pop-up events, and requesting items from our department wish lists.

Other volunteer opportunities in the Development Department
Research Assistant
Grant Writer (Beginning)
Fund Development Strategy
Events Coordinator
Organization Development – department volunteer training and incentive program development

Event Coordinator 
Develop events small scale and large scale events.

Annual Event Volunteers Needed
What:   Our Annual Event is a fun-filled Silent/Oral Auction with a Guest Speaker and Catered Dinner.
When:   Early November, every year at Valley River Inn
Who:    Each year, several hundred people attend!

Be a part of one of the Event Committees - here are a few:
· Media
· Oral Auction
· Silent Auction
· Invitations/registration
· Take down/Set up
· Decorations
· Food
· Logistics
· Sponsorships
· Procurement
· Wine Wall
· Desert Dash
· And More

Spring Princess Event—Need a Coordinator and Committee to make this special day happen



Volunteers are needed to help reconnect foster children with those they love and those who have loved them.
The Family Finding model offers methods and strategies to locate and engage relatives of children living in foster care. The goal of Family Finding is to provide each child with the lifelong connections that only a family can offer. Family Finding volunteers work closely with caseworkers. They perform file mining, make phone calls, and search the internet for relatives or other meaningful people in the child’s life. While each case is different, the typical case takes approximately three months to complete, and 5-10 hours a month in phone calls and research.
If you like playing detective, than this is the position for you! Most roles can be performed anywhere; nationwide. All training is provided for local and nationwide volunteers.

Family Finding volunteers work closely with caseworkers and the Family Finding Director. They perform file mining, make phone calls, and search the internet for relatives or other meaningful people in the child's life. While each case is different, the typical case takes approximately three months to complete, and approximately 5-10 hours a month in phone calls and research. All training is provided. This volunteer can be located anywhere nationwide.
All volunteers will be requested to pass a background check before being given access to sensitive case files.
A Family Finding Volunteer position will be a rewarding opportunity for individuals who possess skills such as:

Follow-up volunteer: This volunteer follows up on cases after the children have been reconnected with their loved ones. Follow-ups consist of phone calls and data entry. Follow-ups are made in 3, 6, 9, and 12 month intervals. All training is provided. This volunteer can be located anywhere nationwide.

Family Finding Expert needed to learn and perform Genograms; our Family Tree project for our Family Finding Cases. We supply the software and need a volunteer, local or nationwide to learn the program and use it to complete a family tree project for a child.

Family Finding Department Support
flexible number of hours a week. The Family Finding Department needs a volunteer that can become familiar with the Family Finding process to assist with administrative projects. This is an ideal opportunity for a volunteer that is detailed oriented and enjoys a variety of tasks. This individual would assist with general administrative functions as well as take on tasks such as:
∗ Prepare materials for training sessions.
∗ Coordinate incoming volunteers.
∗ Build family trees with GenoPro software.
∗ Update blogs.
∗ Research family finding best practices.

Family Finding Volunteers
To Work Cases--How you can get involved:
∗ Join a search team
∗ Work closely with caseworkers
∗ Make phone calls
∗ Build family trees
∗ Search the internet for lost relatives
∗ Create positive supportive family connections for isolated foster children Please let us know if you are interested, and we can get you involved in this very innovative way to not only get kids out of foster care but reconnect them to lost loved ones. We would be happy to provide you with more detailed information and to answer any of your questions.


Family Finding Follow-Up Coordinator

The Family Finding Follow-Up Coordinator is responsible for conducting follow up for all active Family Finding cases.   Family Finding is about connecting children in foster care with lost loved ones and estranged family members.   The Follow Up Coordinator position is an unpaid, volunteer/internship position. The Follow Up Coordinator is responsible for the following duties:

  • Familiarizing themselves with each Family Finding case that they are working on that month.
  • Gathering needed materials by contacting the Permanency Director. Materials will include connection tracking worksheets, family meeting plans, and starting case documents so they can learn about the history of the case and have the phone numbers and email addresses for those family members who should be contacted in the follow up process.
  • Review all documents for each case.
  • Call family members and connections who attended family meetings and determine whether or not they have followed through on their assigned tasks outlined in the family meeting plan.
  • Call family members and connections who were unable to attend the meeting but are still involved in the child's life or approved by the caseworker for contact.
  • Follow up with case staff regarding the child's case plan and family contact.
  • Take detailed notes in the appropriate forms regarding each time a relative or connection has been contacted.
  • Be available to receive return phone calls.
  • Make time to call family members or connections who have not gotten back to you.
  • Notify the Permanency Director within 24 hours if case staff or relatives have not complied with the plan and the reasons for doing so.


  • Excellent communication skills; ability to speak to strangers
  • Diligent note taking skills
  • Knowledge of child welfare, including different kinds of case plans, the importance of permanency, different individuals who are a party to a child's case. etc.
  • Own computer preferred
  • Ability to keep privileged information confidential
  • Passion for connecting youth in foster care with loved ones, relatives, and others who are committed to the child.
  • Belief that every child deserves to know their family, family history, and have some biological background.

Training Coordinator Job Description

The volunteer/intern Training Coordinator is responsible for hosting trainings for A Family For Every Child's (AFFEC) Permanency Programs.  These programs include the Mentor and Family Finding programs.  The Training Coordinator is responsible for the following duties:

  • Host the Family Finding training once a month according to the Family Finding training schedule.
  • Host the Mentor Program training once a month according to the Mentor program training schedule.
  • Check in with the Permanency Director 2 weeks prior to the trainings in order to obtain a list of interested volunteers
  • Email interested volunteers about the upcoming training(s) once week before the training
  • Must schedule trainings using GoToWebinar
  • Keep track of volunteers who respond to emails RSVPing to the training(s)
  • Send a list of potential attendees to the Permanency Director 1 - 3 days before the training(s)
  • Keep track of training(s) attendees
  • Notify the Permanency Director of the volunteers that attended the training(s) within 24 hours after the training(s)
  • Remain knowledgeable about Family Finding best practices and Mentorship best practices
  • Update training(s) as needed, and notify the Permanency Director of such
  • Check email on a daily basis


  • Must have a computer, high-speed internet access, and be computer literate
  • Must know how to use or be trained to use GoToWebinar
  • Impeccable communication skills
  • Have knowledge about child welfare, including the different kinds of case plans children may have, the different people that are a party to a child's case, the need for permanency for children in care, etc.
  • Must have a passion for connection children in foster care with caring, consistent adults.
  • Must have a passion for connecting children in care with caring, stable family members and kith connections.

The Training Coordinator will work under the Permanency Director and will be charged duties assigned to them by said individual.  This is an unpaid position but can be recognized as an internship position for class credit.  The Training Coordinator position requires 15 - 25 hours a month.

Please contact:
Caitlin Baird
(541) 343-2856 | FAX (541) 343-2866



Volunteer Coordinator and Trainer
Contact, process and train the Volunteers that come to this program.  This involved emailing, connecting, checking references, setting up training and following up. 

Family Adoption Specialist:

Web Page/writing Volunteer
Research, write and compile info for us to link and paste on our Web pages, especially those on the Log on site that have “coming soon” on them.

Web Process Volunteer
Signing on to our new log on site and acting as a family, writing script and suggestions that will help our site be more user friendly for families. Help to create Web forms and other ways to assist families. Help to develop RSS feed tools, Twitter feeds and other ways families can get immediate info on children they are interested in adopting.

Newsletter Volunteer
3 newsletters a week, 1-2 hours a newsletter
Using our outreach tool-Constant Contact-build templates for newsletters and outreach tools. Create 3 newsletters a week as well odds and ends announcements and email outreach for recruitment. (Possible Newsletter themes—Kids in need—Resources—Sites to visit – Articles and updates on adoption.

Matching Admin. Volunteer
Any number of hours a week to assist with foundational support for the program and Director.
Help creating a program process binder, filing, data entry, outreach, faxing, scanning, creating check lists, helping with processes, Researching current programs in place in other states , Create materials and forms needed, reviewing families to make sure all time lines are being met and all material is current and effective.

Program outreach-National
Send our flyers, emails, materials to promote the Matching assistance program, link partner sites, share hour message about the program with Agencies, Adoption workers, Parent groups and Potential parent.

Research Volunteer
Researching training, articles, support, state-by-state info for our web, family support materials and notebooks, newsletters and etc…

Assess/Evaluate Families Readiness-
2-3 hours per family
Evaluate a families registration with the program, evaluate their home study, recommend needed items to add or build into their bio page, evaluate for up to date, make recommendations on when and what to do to stay current and competitive.

Survey & Evaluation Volunteer-
Outreach to our families, how can we do more? What is most helpful? What is not? Survey and check in with families to help us improve our program

Scholarship program-
Project-help us build and run a Scholarship program for families that can’t afford the monthly fee

Matching assistance Blog- Form, Bulletin board-Help us develop information sharing tools for our log on matching assistance program.

Family Outreach Specialist - Local or National

Using our on line newsletter tools you will send out Feature
E-mails of all our families to Children's Case Workers and
recruiters all over the country. This is a wonderful opportunity
to help assist families and waiting foster children connect.
Most Case Workers are searching for families and our
newsletter is a wonderful resource to assist them in finding
homes for the children they work with. ADOPTION AGENCY


Foster Support Meeting Volunteer
Family building support program-local.  Twice a month we hold meetings at Boys and Girls Club for current foster families. We would love to have one or two volunteers that would commit to spending time with the kids while their foster parents are in support meetings. It would be ideal to have college age volunteers who are willing to play with and support these kids. The meetings are generally two hours and are on every other Thursday evening.   

Mini Fundraising Events
Someone who would be willing to create a Run/Walk event (to raise money and for awareness)
Someone who would be willing to set up a Bowl-a-thon (to raise money and for awareness)
Someone that could set up a benefit concert in the park (to raise money and for awareness)
Someone to set up a Wine social at one of the local wineries (to raise money and for awareness)
Someone who could set up a mystery dinner or comedy dinner show (to raise money and for awareness).
Party Planner for a kid friendly support group
This would be finding a location for kids to meet and discuss their needs and issues regarding adoption and assimilating into their new family. We hope to get kid friendly location, but, still able to meet quietly as well, to donate their locations or some food for these once a month group meetings.
Training's- Perhaps you have the ability to Train or hold a class in something that may benefit a new adoptive family or one just starting the process. Think outside the box, perhaps you could hold a class on Scrap booking as part of the child's Welcome home album, or Life book. Perhaps you have a special skill in



Foster Support Meeting Volunteer
Support Group for kids-Family building support program-local.
Twice a month we hold meetings at Boys and Girls Aide for current foster families. We would love to have one or two volunteers that would commit to spending time with the kids while their foster parents are in support meetings. It would be ideal to have college age volunteers who are willing to play with and support these kids. The meetings are generally two hours and are on every other Thursday evening.

Family Building Program Coordinator
This position would include:        

More Family Building
We are always looking for dedicated folks to work on our Family Building program, we have the opportunity to impact, the pre adopt drop off rate of families starting out and the post adoption disruption rate of kids and families after placement. We are exploring different ways to support and train families, we have many ideas and volunteers but need a few good over-seers.

Respite Program
This position would include:
State Representative
For outreach to case workers/agencies/Heart Galleries and potential partners, in each state. This Volunteer can live anywhere in any state, all work is done on the web/email. We all know of partners, businesses, organization and others that need to be on our team. We are happen to supply you with sample letters and/or templates for emails/calls to engage partners. This can look like:

Any number of hours can be spent, we can either train you on our system to enter state information or you can keep a record on your own and we will do the data entry. We offer support daily as you move through this role and discover new ways we can partner. We encourage "outside the box" thinking and are open to all partnership ideas. We will provide you with letters, linking templates, sponsor flyers, brochures, whatever you need.



Logo/Linking Partner volunteerWe are only as strong as our searches, so to drive traffic to us we need to be linked from as many web sites/partners as we can. We have a template and logo that we give our outreach volunteers to use to help us increase the web hits and, therefore, families. This volunteer can live anywhere in any state, all work is done on the web/email. If you would like to be involved in this effort or have web sites/businesses or partners you would like to suggest, please email info@afamilyforeverychild.org. It truly takes a Village, and we need you!

Web Editor:
Skills required:
Maintain the various news feeds on the websites, the events page, calendar page.
Work with the web team who does the large edits while performing the small changes and uploads.
Proofread to see that the feeds show as desired.
Get daily input from google, childwelfare.gov, cherry pick relevant content for our website.
Featured Child, Featured Family, updates to the front page, keep up with relevant developments internal to AFFEC.

SEO Expert:
Skills required:
SEO, careful record keeping, HTML/CSS/Dreamweaver
Locate sites which would have an interest or a need to reference us in their website.
(use Google keywords to do this over the first 40 pages of hits).
Supply lists of sites to the web team, who will send them templated letters.
Check lists to make sure we are not repeatedly asking the same sites to list us.
Adjust google adwords according to hit rates.

Web Programmer
Skills Required
Team work with web coordinator to make site improvements in functionality.
Document work so that it can be understood by other web programmers.
Design, code, test, implement, and release bug fixes.
Design, code, test, implement, and release major site functionality upgrades.National Web Site Outreach-Heart Gallery of America website-Develop list of Specialty Agencies Nations wide-Developing relationships with other photo listings for our children.

Web Bio Writers

National or Local
We are looking for volunteer Child web bio's. It can be a skill taking the history and needs of a child and putting them in a form that gives the family as much appropriate information as possible. We have noticed a good writer can do a lot for these kids. This volunteer doesn't need to be local and could be handled through email. Little training is involved, but you will need to complete our volunteer and confidentiality forms.

Other Web Volunteer


Heart Gallery Local Coordinator
We are looking for a Volunteer Heart Gallery Coordinator to work from our Eugene/Springfield office. The Heart Gallery is a portrait exhibit displayed to raise awareness of the needs of foster children who are waiting and hoping for their own adoptive family to love and protect them. Professional photographers volunteer to take compelling portraits and these beautifully framed and matted portraits get displayed along with the children's biographies in various venues that will touch your heart. We are looking for a volunteer Heart Gallery Coordinator to work with our Heart Gallery Director. This will involve:

This position is 5-10 hours a week depending on the time of month (the beginning of the month and/or last week of the month are when most update work is done). We hope you will consider joining our Team! The Heart Gallery is our Landmark program and we are very proud of what has been done and hope to do much more!

Photo – Videographer Coordinator-Local
Our Heart Gallery needs someone who can come in approximately 5 hours a week and help coordinate our Venue Photo Packets, connect with and process Photographers from all over the state as well as nationwide. Someone who can do outreach and connect with Photographers -scheduling photo sessions, following up and processing images once completed.

Venue volunteers- program (Heart Gallery) local, WA & OR
Would you enjoy driving around town and spend just a few hours a month going to our venues and swapping out photographs of children? You may have seen these around the area (if you reside in Oregon). We display photos of available and waiting children with bio information in restaurants, doctors and dentist's offices, airports, grocery stores and the like. All photos and needs are supplied by our organization. This basically consists of picking up your new photos, going to the venue and updating the displays.

Heart Gallery Expansion Coordinator
This position would include:

Business Advocate (part of the Heart Gallery Venues) Faith-Based Heart Gallery Coordinator
This position would include:
Heart Gallery Faith-Based Host

Easel Builders—We are always in need of new Easels for our venues.

Frame repair and/or collecting Frames for our venues at Garage Sales and other sources.

Creative Photo display-We have some wonderful photo pieces that include the photo and child's bio all in one frame and we would love to have these duplicated for variety in our Heart Gallery exhibits. This could be an on-going project.



Mentor-Foster-to-Adopt Program Coordinator
This position would include: Helping us create this program and all materials, web presents, forms, outreach needed.  Some areas of possible task are below:


Mentor Program Volunteer
We would like to recruit a volunteer for the mentor program that can go to different venues/businesses and try to get free tickets for activities for our mentors to use with their mentees. Also would like that person to be able to find free family activities that are available this summer. Some of our mentors have expressed their concern about not having the funds to do extra things with the kids that they would like to do.

Mentor - Spanish Speaking
Do you speak Spanish and love kids? We are looking for male mentors to mentor children who speak fluent English but whose parents have limited English. Use your gifts of language to make a difference in a child’s life.

Mentor Program Coordinator
This position would include:

We are also looking for help with our mentor program, we have a very exciting program to teach Independent Living Skills and would love to have volunteers help gather information and write very general guidelines, you don't need to be an expert, and you don't need to teach the class, just help us gather information about an ILP skill and help us to create an outline, we will give you plenty of examples.
Be a Mentor! You must be at least 21 years old and complete the Heart Gallery Mentor Program Application Process. There is no limit on the age. The youth we service are in foster care and range in age from 12-21. They need any person that is willing to commit and dedicate to them. Mentors are all ages and consist of business people, stay at home moms, families, single people, college students, retired people, grandparents, as long as you have a desire and dedication to youth and are able to complete our Heart Gallery Mentor Program Application Process that is all it takes.
We really need Male mentors!



Legislator/politician Outreach
Because we are a 501c we cannot indorse or back any one policing. But, we think it would be in our favor to have a volunteer that is reaching out to likeminded politicians, obtaining their emails for our newsletters and educating them on whom we are. Also, educating themselves on the different issues and people that we need to be connected to in this realm. Someone that has an interest in politics and legislator would be a natural fit.  This could be for Oregon and Nationally.
General Awareness Campaign "Why Not Me"—This is a general awareness and education campaign, involving media, social media, in person venues, traditional media and more.  Could be a smaller traveling display that we are hoping to have circulate the community at different festivals, conventions, and small venues. We need people to man booths as well as someone to coordinate this effort.
This can also include many other kinds of "Why Not Me" outreach, such as, billboards, bus sides, sports field signs, lawn signs, posters and so on!  Unlimited area and possibilities.

Policy Expert--  Do you love to read policy?  We can use you!  We need several folks that are willing to spend time reading and understanding the policies of different states and nationally, and convert them to a format (how to, webinar, cheat sheet) that we can use to educate our staff and families as well as use on our web site.  This is a role that we can direct you to sites to find policy and procedure information, that can be done from any where, with as many hours a week as you have to give.